It seems the frying pan is about to heat up. So. . .here’s the thing: It seems we have divided ourselves instead of coming into balance. We have forgotten that we are all connected, perhaps? This whole chapter in our book of life here is present at this moment in time to underline and underscore EXACTLY that.
We MUST make a heroic attempt at coming into balance. It’s the increasingly intense division that is disturbing and non-productive.
You are an integral ingredient in this pan. We all are. What we end up with is up to us. So, what shall we create? Something burned and scorched beyond belief? Or something wonderful that feeds and nourishes us all at this table of life?
We are ALL feeling the collective, feeling each other’s vibes, whether we get that or not. So, everything you do or don’t do, and everything you say, and every way you act and react, is rippling out and affecting ALL.
We are not an “autonomous collective.” We are (evolved) HUMANITY.
And we are – obviously – facing a huge, unprecedented challenge.
We have people out doing their regular thing, some rebelling like immature adolescents immersed perhaps in their concept of “street justice,” in denial of any virus, or its ability to harm them, through apparently bulletproof lungs.
Then we have people staying inside who are trying to be responsible and stay healthy. Then we have people bashing each other, our elected officials, and also lashing out at each other for various things, including, but not limited to what they are posting, and even for staying the “F*#%” home. Good grief.
How are you going to make it through a potential lockdown or quarantine that may save your life? How are you going to do that? Do you want to stay alive? Do you want to get to higher ground? Or is it better to have a ridiculous tantrum that may endanger you and others?
Can we not all have compassion toward one another? Can we not try to act as a cohesive, forward moving unit, getting gracefully through a crisis, instead of as scared children having an infantile tantrum because some of the things they took for granted might possibly be removed from them for a brief time in the name of staying alive?
Try to understand that everyone is acting according to their patterns and belief systems. People are doing what they know, in reaction to a situation where there are many unknowns. It’s not an excuse for any particular behavior. It’s just what’s happening.
Please think about this long and hard, because doing so is what’s going to help you understand that maybe (you think?!) it’s time to break out of old patterns. We’ve been hearing that for over a decade now, eh?
So, who listened? Who learned? Who did this basic homework in their individual lives over the course of the last decade?
Because the test is upon us now as collective HUMANITY. Right now. Infiltrating our fabric (lungs). Whether we like it or not.
Do we raise up, rise up, get a hold of ourselves, or do we fall down, like that silly child’s game, All Fall Down?
The bottom line, succinctly, is we comport ourselves in certain ways at this time because of FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. That’s it. Have compassion for one another.
We have never been here before. We don’t know for sure what’s going to happen. But we have to deal with it, whatever it is.
We are used to being in control because that illusion (yeah, illusion), of control is what makes us feel safe. So, our old ways of coping with the apparent lack of control is what comes bubbling up to the surface as whatever it is we have now; this environment of fear and apparent loss of control. . .
But this – our old ways of coping – is exactly, exactly, what can spin us out into complete chaos. And we seem to forget, quite easily, that we are ALWAYS safe, no matter how anything looks.
THIS is what you are being challenged to surrender to. We are not in control and we have to work together.
So, as a consequence of the current situation – because it’s here whether you want it that way or not – you may possibly be asked to take a brief vacation in the comfort of your home (not pup tent). Do you think you can cope with that so you can stay alive and get your lives more quickly back to “normal?”
It doesn’t have to be an OMG panic situation. It’s HOME. It’s perhaps a family vacation. At home. Where you feel safe. Where you’re in control. There are worse things, certainly.
We must – ALL of us – GET A GRIP. Get a perspective that is higher than where we are right now, today. We need to get that firm grip, get out of fear, get out of denial, get out of ALL the lower vibrations, people, because we want to make it through this.
ALL of us want to make it through this. Right?
Anyone who is panicking must STOP panicking. Do NOT vibrate to fear. Just do not. Stay informed, yes. Stay connected in the distancing, yes. Deal with one thing at a time, as whatever it is arises, instead of overwhelming yourself with “what ifs.”
You can do this.
It happened that I found my entire life on the floor one morning. In that one day, life as I knew it, was completely and irrevocably GONE. Crumbled into dust. Everything. So, I already KNOW I can do this. And if you don’t know, then I will help you by telling you that I KNOW you can do this.
You can. You MUST.
We have the opportunity right now, right here and right now to drop the shit (Oh, sorry, lack of toilet paper notwithstanding), and start acting as a dignified, unified, high vibrational HUMANITY instead of scared savages. This is a MUST.
Look back. We have evolved way past that. Now we are being asked to evolve way past THIS. That’s it.
High vibrational humanity does not bury its head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend everything’s fine. High vibrational humanity does not lash out at others.
We must cooperate with one another, assist each other, no matter how bizarre or uncomfortable things get. Because everything is not fine. It’s all crazy. Again, we have never been here before.
Everyone is doing their best, aren’t you? Of course you are.