Job Description
Oracle of Tea is a light, easy, breath of fresh air in terms of oracle decks. Uncannily accurate and just plain happy.
Years ago, my friend took me to a lady who did tea leaf readings. I was fascinated with this lady’s ability to give me an accurate, and quite extraordinarily detailed reading from the tea leaves in the bottom of my tea cup. From these little tea leaves, that didn’t even look like “leaves” to me, she came up with real names, real people, and real scenarios that actually all came to pass. I didn’t get a chance to visit her again, but I never forgot it.
My mother, too, sometimes used to read Greek coffee cups as fun after dinner entertainment. She also was quite accurate in her readings. The reading of tea leaves and even Greek coffee cup readings, is an ancient art of divination passed on through many generations. It’s called Tasseography (καφεμαντεία in Greek).
Essentially, all Tasseography, whether it be with tea leaves or with coffee grounds, is done through intuition, symbolism, and through the interpretation of patterns left by the grounds or tea leaves in the cup after one finishes the drink.
I’ve wanted to create a tea oracle online for a long time, as a fun alternative to angel card readings. And as I searched I couldn’t find an online tea leaf reading that really spoke to me or that was even remotely accurate. So Oracle of Tea was born.
This 40 card oracle deck is Tarot size and comes in a 2 piece box with a top lifting lid. Instructions and interpretations included. Fun and different, Oracle of Tea is a truly helpful tool to you on your spiritual path.