RADICAL ACCEPTANCE WITH TARA BRACH. One of the most painful and pervasive forms of suffering in our culture is the belief that “something is wrong with me.”
For many of us, feelings of deficiency are right around the corner. It doesn’t take much–just hearing of someone else’s accomplishments, being criticized, getting into an argument, making a mistake at work–to make us think that, deep down, we are just not okay.
This, accompanied by our judgment of others, keeps us at war with life. When not faced, our fears and blame prevent us from living and loving fully. On the societal level, designating a “bad other” fuels the violence that so plagues our world today.
As taught in the beloved bestseller Radical Acceptance, mindfulness empowers us to see clearly what is happening in the moment and respond to it with skillfulness. The course will explore this pathway to compassion and freedom through engaging lectures, guided meditations (ideally used many times, going deeper each time), and question & answer sessions on how best to put the teachings into practice in everyday life.