I was recently interviewed by Yasmin Cunha from the MediumFinder.com blog. Great questions, wonderful blog. Please check it out. I’m speaking today with Dyan Garris (Diane) from https://www.dyangarris.com/. Dyan is an award-winning New Age recording artist, visionary mystic, best-selling, award-winning author, and a metaphysical pioneer in the field of integrative energy healing and multi-dimensional living. Dyan, […]
Twin Flame Series: Part 2. ”Running and Chasing in the Twin Flame Connection” by Dyan Garris One of the hallmarks of a twin flame connection is the “running and chasing” phenomenon. At times, one or both twins will run and at times, one or both twins will chase, usually at different times, but it can […]
Twin Flame Series: Part 1 – Think You Know? Twin Flames: What is a Twin Flame Connection? by Dyan Garris Part 1 – Think You Know? Twin Flames: What is a Twin Flame Connection? Dyan Garris There is much confusion and misinformation out there regarding twin flames and the twin flame connection. Even though there […]
Is Fear Stopping You? Overcoming fear and moving forward. Sometimes our fears are just simply unfounded. When we’re afraid, that is a control issue. And whenever we’re afraid of doing something, whatever it may be, we stop ourselves from having an experience. That experience may be “good” or “bad,” depending upon how you choose to […]
On Negative Self-Talk – Are you a “loser?” Think about all the negative self-talk you engage in. Maybe you’re not even aware of it. This is the “I’m not good enough” energy. This kind of thinking is going to keep you stuck going around and around and stuck in whatever present circumstance you’re in at […]
On Feeling Powerless “Feeling powerless is both and an illusion and an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to get out of your ego and whatever it is it’s telling you is true. It’s an opportunity to see and embrace what is really true instead of what you think you see, instead of a distorted perception. It’s […]
Are you wounded, victimized by circumstances, or do you feel like a “wounded healer?” How do you get unstuck and empower yourself? No one makes it through this lifetime without being wounded at some point. When someone or something wounds you – when you feel wounded – you have a choice. Are you the victim […]
Why do people self-sabotage? The universe is continually bringing us opportunities for growth and change and forward movement. We are always presented with multiple ways to just get out of our own way and allow the new and exciting to enter. But growth and change will indeed take you out of your comfort zone. Most […]